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Publisher's Weekly Advertisement

Publisher weekly is a weekly trade news magazine for book publishing and selling since 1872.  The magazine is founded by the bibliographer, Frederick Leypoldt. Basically, it started only as a compilation of information about newly published book; collected from publishers and other affiliate sources of the founder. By then, it became a well-read magazine by the book sellers in the country.


Known as “the bible of the book business”, Publisher Weekly is focused on the international book publishing business. The target market of this print are publishers, booksellers, librarians, literary agents, authors and the media. It publishes features articles and news about book business, best seller list and book reviews.


In the recent years, Publisher Weekly has expanded its editorial perspective to include a broader time frame, and to include more post-publication market coverage. Using online subscriptions, PW launched a weekly newsletter that informs librarians, booksellers and consumers about news of books currently on sale. As PW is famous for book reviews, self-published titles are given a chance to be selected for a featured book article published within the review pages of Publishers Weekly magazine section.

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