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New York Times Advertisement

It is a famous American daily newspaper with a worldwide readership. Founded in 1851, it has been regarded to be a “national newspaper record” within the industry of print journalism. Based in New York City, the New York Times has dedication on helping people understanding the world through on-the-ground, expert and deeply reported independent journalism. Their mission has this belief that great journalism has the power to make each reader’s life richer and more fulfilling in the society.


In terms of broadsheet layout, it stayed for full-page set up and eight column format for several years; then, it adopts to color photography soon especially on the front page. The paper’s motto is “All the News that’s Fit to Print”, it appears in the upper left-hand corner of the front page.


Through the years, it has expanded it scope of featured news and life stories. For instance, in weekly sections, various topics supplementing hard news, editorials, sports and features. Fast forward to the millennium, it considered publishing digital content to keep up with the trend. Around 2012, it published “Snow Fall”, a six-part article about Tunnel Creek avalanche which integrates videos, photos, and interactive graphics. It was recognized as a watershed moment for online journalism.

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