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Promotional Film Campaign

Book Trailers creates a tease using the power of video in taking a short peek on the content of the book featured. This media strategy connects the books to its eager audience and sparks the interest of the random viewers in the video stream. It is becoming one of the current trends as a digital marketing tool of promoting a new released book. A book trailer does not need to be up and beyond like science fiction movie trailers that we all know. It only needs to wrap the story neatly in a maximum of 3 minutes on motion picture that includes a short narration. It must entice the viewer to want to know more by picking up the book.


Aside from introducing a book, it also bridges the gap between the author and its suited audience. For instance, children stories books are easily seen and appreciated by mothers who are trying to search for a new book to purchase for their child. They can even visit the website link of the author because she is intrigued if the book has sequels or if there are another prior published book similar to the one in the book trailer. Book trailers does not only leave trails but also build connection!

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